Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It took me months to update my blog, well, here I am now. Considering I had a lot on my plate with the not so major exam and stress. You know, all the teen stuff that adults will never understand. A lot has happened these couple of months, and I have to say I ain't proud of all the things that I've done. I was definitely a major bitch back then. I swear I'm currently in the path of changing myself and this time I swear it's for reals. No more fooling around, it's the real thing we're dealing with here.

Few things happened since I stopped blogging. Let me lay it down for you. I broke up with him, despite all the things that I said, I did it anyways. I wasn't thinking straight, blinded by my stupidness I guess, not knowing what to do I messed everything up. It was all so emotional, bla,bla,bla and all that. I got my own reason for breaking up with him that I can't share with you of course. We kissed and made up but we didn't get back together yet because I suggested that we got back together after my exam, which was the stupidest thing that I have ever suggested. So, I was kinda single for a few months, it did feel really weird at the start but I got used to it pretty quickly because I haven't been single for a looooonnggg time of course it needed some getting used to.

After all that struggle going through the exam and all I finally pulled through and I could say so myself it did turn out well. Now, I'm back together with him and everything's fine for the time being, hope it stays that way. I'm so over the ''in a relationship drama''. Time to move on and be more matured. I might even consider getting married to him someday. LOL. Jokes aside, I finally know who I should be with now. Other than that, my life is pretty much the same as it was before. Just a little drama here and there nothing really major and yeah my laptop is gonna die on me soon, actually it's already half dead because my monitor is about to fall off, woo hoo for me.

I almost forgot, he's sitting for his SPM exam this month, yeah it's for a month and I'm not complaining. It's already painful enough that he stays far from me and not meeting him for a month just worsens the pain. :( It's okay, I'll be strong, no need to whine and be a bitch bout it. After getting the SPM results he's thinking of taking up form 6 so that we won't be so far apart, I appreciate that he's doing it for us but I told him to think about it one more time before making any rash decisions that he will regret later on. So yeah, that's pretty much what's happening, actually not quite but I'm too tired to think at this time. It's 5.30am by the way. Heading to bed to get some shut eye. Au revoir.